  • VAMortgageMN.com & Cambria Mortgage WhiteList our EMail Instructions

    The process of getting a VA home mortgage loan these days is very paperwork intensive, and generally requires E-Mail communications.  Therefore it is very important these notifications get through to you, and not end up in your SPAM folder.

    Please add the following E-Mail addresses to your providers whitelist: joe.metzler@cambriamortgage.com and joe@joemetzler.com
    Adding the domains also works, so: @cambriamortgage.com, @joemetzler.com, @vamortgagemn.com


    1. Open Gmail: Click on any EMail from us. Then select the MORE drop down from the top.


    3. Our Email address should be in the top spot (From).

    4. Click the CREATE FILTER WITH THIS SEARCH in the bottom right corner.

    5. Check the box for NEVER SEND TO SPAM

    6. Click CREATE FILTER

    Option 2: if you don't have an email from the sender, you can manually add to the safe sender list by:

    1. Open GMail, and click the GEAR SYMBOL in the top right corner, then select SETTINGS

    2. In the center top, find and click on FILTERED AND BLOCKED ADDRESSES

    3. You will see any existing filters, but go to the bottom of the list, and click on CREATE NEW FILTER

    4. In the top line (FROM), You can enter a specific email address, or just a full domain (@joemetzler.com, and @muihomeloans.com) for example

    5. Click the CREATE FILTER WITH THIS SEARCH in the bottom right corner.

    6. Check the box for NEVER SEND TO SPAM

    7. Click CREATE FILTER


    1. Click any message from the sender, then click HOME.

    2. In the DELETE group, click JUNK

    3. Then click NEVER BLOCK THIS SENDER.

    Option 2: if you don't have an email from the sender, you can manually add to the safe sender list by:

    1. Click Home

    2. In the DELETE group, click JUNK, then click JUNK EMAIL OPTIONS

    3. On the SAFE SENDERS tab, click ADD

    4. You can enter a specific email address, or just a full domain (@joemetzler.com, and @muihomeloans.com) for example


    1. Click any message from the sender, then click MORE on top of emails.


    3. Provide a FILTER NAME, like Mortgages Unlimited if not already filled in

    4. in the FROM section, you can enter a specific email address, or just a full domain (@joemetzler.com, and @muihomeloans.com) for example

    5. Finish by selecting INBOX at bottom, under MOVE THIS MESSAGE TO


    Option 2: if you don't have an email from the sender, you can manually add to the safe sender list by:

    1. Click the GEAR SYMBOL in the top right corner

    2. Find and click on FILTERS, the ADD

    3. Provide a FILTER NAME, like Mortgages Unlimited

    4. in the FROM section, you can enter a specific email address, or just a full domain (@joemetzler.com, and @muihomeloans.com) for example

    5. Finish by selecting INBOX at bottom, under MOVE THIS MESSAGE TO